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Ready, Willing and Able (RWA)


     The work a company does is much more than simply completing a job. What we do provides us all with social structure and economic means. It is essential for building lasting values and self-esteem. Our work helps us define who we are and our place in the world. The work we do provides us with social structure and economic means. But for more than half a million persons on the Autism spectrum or with an Intellectual Disability, “what do you do?” is no easy question to answer. Ready, Willing and Able is an initiative of Inclusion Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA). The Government of Canada has made a three-year investment in Ready, Willing and Able, to work with employers and community agencies in 20 communities across the country. We are committed to generating a minimum of 1200 employment opportunities for people on the Autism spectrum or with Intellectual Disabilities.

     Ready, Willing and Able is designed to build on, and increase employer capacity and demand to hire people on the Autism Spectrum or with an Intellectual Disability. By creating the effective and responsive linkages between employers and employment agencies supporting people with individuals on the Autism Spectrum and Intellectual Disabilities, we will open new doors of opportunity for our fellow Canadians.

     With an employment rate of only about 25%, they form a significant untapped labour pool. And while they may be under-employed, persons on the Autism spectrum or with an Intellectual Disability are certainly not unemployable. With effective support and employer leadership, they can join the workforce at rates similar to their peers.

Our vision is of an inclusive and effective labour market, with an employment rate for individuals on the Autism spectrum or with an Intellectual Disability on par with the national average.

Ready, Willing and Able is designed to faciltate the relationship between employers and employees, which is achieved through partnering with local employment agencies:

An infographic image our process

The Government of Canada has made a three-year investment in Ready, Willing and Able to work with employers and community agencies in 20 communities across the country. We are committed to generating a minimum of 1200 employment opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and ASD.

People with intellectual disabilities and ASD are Ready, Willing and Able to work.

Employers can no longer afford to overlook this untapped workforce.

Help us create the opportunities that will change lives!

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to download the PDF, or view it interactively below.

Business Case

Click here to view the business benefits of hiring people on the Autism spectrum or individuals with an Intellectual Disability.

For more information:

Deanne Dawe 

Labour Market Facilitator

Ready, Willing and Able Program

P.O. Box 8414
St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7
Work: 709-722-0790

Interested in Volunteering With Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador?

Download the volunteer questionnaire and return it to us by email.

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