About Us
Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador is committed to a future of inclusive communities where:
Every person with a disability is considered as a member of a family
All people learn together in regular classrooms and neighbourhood schools
Every person is supported to live in their own home
All people have the opportunity for meaningful employment
Individuals are empowered and supported in decision-making that affects them
Every person has opportunities to form lasting and meaningful relationships

Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador is a non-profit organization that works with and on behalf of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador promotes a vision of communities where everyone belongs and has a rightful place; where families support a person’s right to full citizenship.
It is simple really-most of us experience it every day. We are welcomed into our community, work with our peers and go to school with our friends. Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador works hard to make sure persons with disabilities are welcomed and supported in their community in the same way.
What Can We Do Together?
We can learn about, and share information on: support for families, income and disability supports, inclusive education, securing citizenship and legal capacity for all, RDSP’s, SET mentoring, future planning, supported employment, the UN convention of the rights of persons with disabilities, supportive living and much more.
We can work together, and with the government and other agencies, help build more inclusive communities.
We can provide guidance and direction to others seeking or needing support.
The Movement for Inclusion
We are part of a movement
Inclusion Canada NL is part of a national federation of 13 provincial-territorial associations and over 300 local associations. Together, we’re advancing the inclusion and human rights of people with an intellectual disability and their families in every corner of the country. We’re a family-led movement making change at local, provincial/territorial, and national levels. Our shared vision is of a Canada where everyone belongs.
Through our national organization, Inclusion Canada, we work collaboratively to create communities where people with an intellectual disability and their families are equally valued and fully included in every aspect of community life. Our movement extends beyond our borders, as part of Inclusion International. We invite you to join us!
Nous faisons partie d’un mouvement
Inclusion Canada NL fait partie d’une fédération nationale comprenant 13 associations provinciales et territoriales, ainsi que plus de 300 associations locales. Ensemble, nous faisons progresser l’inclusion et les droits des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle et de leurs familles partout au pays. Notre mouvement, dirigé par les familles, entraîne des changements à l’échelle locale, provinciale, territoriale et nationale. Nous avons cette vision commune d’un Canada où chaque personne a sa place.
Grâce à notre organisation nationale, Inclusion Canada, nous travaillons en collaboration à créer des communautés dans lesquelles les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle et leurs familles sont appréciées équitablement et sont pleinement incluses dans toutes les sphères de la communauté. Notre mouvement dépasse nos frontières dans le cadre d’Inclusion International. Nous vous invitions à vous joindre à nous!
Executive Board

President Ms. Kem Young Email: kemyoung.icnl@outlook.com

Vice President Mr. Joey Mackey Email: joeymackey.icnl@outlook.com Hello, my name is Joey Mackey. I was born and raised in Newfoundland and Labrador which I am proud to call ‘home’. I have been involved in numerous initiatives with Inclusion Canada NL for the last twenty plus years. Prior to being a Regional Representative I was the Vice-President of the Local Association for Community Living. I have a sibling with a developmental disability who I have been a support person too. One of my focuses with Inclusion Canada NL is to be a voice at the table for Inclusive Education and ensure that all individuals with an intellectual disability have equal opportunities to receiving an education

Past President Mr.Dennis Gill Email: dennisgill.icnl@outlook.com Dennis is a retired High School Teacher, Vice-Principal, and Principal. Subsequently, he was a photojournalist and then an Executive Assistant with a privately-owned company. Since 1980, Dennis and his wife, Roxann, have made their home in the picturesque outport community of Pilley’s Island, population 250, and are the parents of two children: Daniel and Jenna. Danny has profound intellectual and physical disabilities and persistent epilepsy; they have learned much from devotedly and lovingly caring for him for 43 years. Jenna, married with two young children, is a Senior Financial Analyst with a national company. Over the past 40+ years, Dennis has volunteered extensively at the school, church, and in the community; five of his provincial/national involvements during the last “baker’s- dozen years” include 2010-19 Member, NL Provincial Advisory Council for the Inclusion of Persons With Disabilities; 2011-13 Chair, NL Provincial Advisory Committee on Supported Employment; 2011- President, Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador; 2014-2018 Member, and 2018- Chair, NL Provincial Buildings’ Accessibility Advisory Board; 2019- Director, Inclusion Canada Board. In 2013, Dennis was both humbled and honoured to be presented with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. To quote then-Mayor Fern Roberts, in part, “For all of your volunteer work with the community of Pilley’s Island and especially the dedication you have given to various committees and associations throughout Newfoundland and Labrador to help better the lives of those living with disabilities, you are indeed quite deserving of this award.”

Treasurer Ms.Helen O'Rourke Email: helenorourke_497@gmail.com Helen is no stranger to Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador; she has been around the table since late 80’s. Helen has served as President for two terms with the Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador She has served as past treasurer. For 2 terms Helen is proud of our rich history and contributions that Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador has toward Inclusion and the vision of every person with an intellectual disability is respected and has the support they need to be a contributing part of their community. She certainly is aware of the lack of disability support, or the loss of existing support for persons with intellectual disabilities. Helen lives in the City of Mount Pearl with her daughter Trudy who has an intellectual disability, as a single parent trying to support her daughter, she knows too well of the challenge that families and individual face. There are so many obstacles in trying to work through the Future Planning for aging parents. The need for more focus is certainly needed. In her career Helen has worked in Supported Employment and was instrumental with others in developing and shaping how the programs should be delivered. She currently works as an accounting manger for a local company where she oversees all aspects of accounting.

Secretary Ms. Una Tucker Email: unatucker.icnl@outlook.com In 2009, immediately following retirement from a 33-year career working in disability programs with the provincial government, where she was a strong advocate for the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of society, Una became a member of the Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador (ICNL) board of directors as secretary. Shortly after joining the board, Una attended a meeting of the National Individualized Funding (IF) Discussion Group in Saskatoon and continued as a member of this group as they met by teleconference to develop the document “Framework for Effective Implementation of Individualized Funding” in August 2011. Beginning in May 2011, she was appointed by ICNL to serve on the Inclusion Canada (IC) board of directors, where she served on several Task Forces and Working Groups over her eight-year term. Una’s professional background and work at the national level made her the ideal candidate to lead ICNL’s Supportive Living and Housing Committee. This committee developed a position statement and policy paper to help all board members to use a consistent message when communicating with outside agencies and the government. The policy paper was later introduced to the ED/Chair Network and was used to initiate the work of that group in developing the “Better for You – Better for Us” document, which was signed by 14 participating organizations and presented to the government of NL in the Fall of 2013. Recent highlights from this committee are the development of several briefing notes to be used in dialogue with the government and a detailed History Exhibit on Deinstitutionalization, unveiled at ICNL’s 65th Anniversary Conference, to be used as an educational resource. Una presently lives in Lethbridge, NL, with her husband Harvey and is committed to continuing to promote the rights of all individuals with disabilities to choose to live in their own homes in regular neighbourhoods with the support they need.

Directors-at-Large (Directors-at-Large are appointed by the Board for an indefinite period of time.) Ms. Marg Pike Co-Chair, Grassroots and Membership Committee Email: marg.pike@eastlink.ca Marg Pike – Marg lives in Bloomfield with her husband, Everett. They have two daughters, Kelly and Connie. After living in Labrador for 34 years, they retired and moved to Marg’s hometown. Marg started volunteering as a member of the Labrador West Association for Community in 1979 and joined the Provincial Association in 1982. She held several positions, including secretary, vice president and acting president. In 2009 Marg was awarded the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador, and in 2012 she was awarded the NLACL Distinguished Associate. Both awards were in recognition of her work with and on behalf of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The following is an excerpt from her Bio for the Order of NL – Guided by values of equality, honesty and compassion, Margaret Pike has committed herself to advance the rights of people with developmental disabilities. Her work continues to positively affect thousands of people, their families, and their communities within this province. Her dedication has proven invaluable to the success of her endeavours.

Mr. Eugene Hickey Chair, Inclusion & Well-Being Initiative Email: genehickey199@gmail.com

Mr. Ray McIsaac Distinguished Associate
2024-2025 Regional Representatives

Ms. Charmaine Brothers St. John's Metro charmaine.metrorep.icnl@hotmail.com

Ms. Petrina Hart Central-Coast of Bays Petrina Hart is a Residential Manager with over 20 years of experience in providing support and implementing community integration programs for persons with disabilities. Her passion for increasing the quality of life for the people she supports has ensured each program is uniquely specialized to individualized needs while fostering independence in life choices. Petrina has experience instructing courses designed to enhance the support for persons with disabilities, which allows her to advocate daily for community integration and quality programs at the ground level. With a degree in Psychology from Memorial University and extensive training in Management, Supervision and Developmental Disability courses, Petrina has developed the skills and insight to passionately coach, mentor and manage multifaceted teams. She is looking forward to working with and on behalf of persons with intellectual disabilities as an advocate for Inclusion Canada NL in her new role as Regional Representative for the Central Region.
Ms. Sarah Mills Avalon sarah_c_mills@yahoo.ca

Ms. Lucy Rumbolt Long Range lucy_rumbolt@hotmail.com My name is Lucy Rumbolt, and I have been married for 40 years and have two children, A boy and A girl. I lost my son ten years ago to cancer, and my daughter was born with Spina-Bifida and Hydrocephalus. I have been involved in volunteering for many years, and I started when I was 15 years old. I love getting involved in helping out our community, especially our special needs. I have doodIe have been married for 40 years and have two children. My daughter was born with Spina-Bifida and Hydrocephalus (she is my guiding light). I love to be involved in our community, and I have been an advocate for Inclusion around our area and have gotten many changes. Volunteering is my way of giving back, and I love doing it. I worked in administration but quit working in home Care. I'm a go-getter, and when I think there is something that is needed in our community to help out our residents, I don't wait for others to get it started; I am usually the one who gets things started.

Melanie Adams Bonavista-Burin melanie.adams15@gmail.com Hi, I’m Melanie. You know how the song goes, I’m a Newfoundland born and bred, and I’ll be one til I die! Minus a short stint in Ontario and a few years in town, I’ve always lived in the Bonavista area of the island. My parents are from here, my grandparents, and so on. This area is in my bones. I’m currently living at home with my mom and my two cats. Personally, I have had mental health conditions most of my life, and recently found out that I also have ADHD. As a result of trying to get that diagnosis, I’ve seen first hand the kind of barriers that those with disabilities face in our province daily, especially in more rural areas like the Bonavista-Burin region. I’ve also seen first hand how people when given the supports and the help they need can thrive. Social justice and human rights are a passion of mine, and I try to exemplify that every day. I’ve previously worked with Empower and the Murphy Centre, as well as the local community youth network, where I’m still a volunteer. I’m very honoured to be a part of the board for Inclusion Canada NL, and I hope to help continue their incredible work in our province.

Vacant Labrador West labradorwestrep.icnl@hotmail.com

Ms. Desirae Burden Lab East Hello! My name is Desirae. I am from the South coast of Labrador and a proud member of Nunatukavut. I am an Instructional Resource Teacher and have been supporting students with exceptionalities in a teaching and tutoring role for many years. I am looking forward to bringing awareness, opportunities and assisting with bridging the barriers for people in eastern Labrador.

Ms. Kimberley Inclusion Advocate Hi, my name is Kimberley and I am a volunteer at Inclusion Canada NL. I home care workers that support me throughout the week. Joby from Empower supports me as well. I have a beautiful cat named Kallie, who gets me through my rough days. I have had many challenges in my life since my mom passed away. It has made me stronger and more independent. I have a wonderful support group at Inclusion Canada NL, Empower advocacy group, as well as the peer support group from Joby and Amanda. I don’t know what I would do without all the support I receive from Inclusion Canada NL and Empower The Disability Resource Centre. I love to write true stories about my life. Both Empower and Inclusion Canada NL feel like family to me, and you all do so much for me. I appreciate it with all my heart and soul. I don’t know what I would do without all of you guys. Joby Fleming from advocacy and Amanda Lush from peer support, Emma, Ashley, and Tina from Inclusion Canada NL have been like family to me. I only have two supporters in my family, my aunt, a senior, who isn’t well and Jimmy, my cousin, who gives me words of support as he lives in the United States. I feel so fortunate and blessed by all my supporters. I believe my mom is watching over me from heaven, along with my two dads and my two aunts, Jean, and Rita. I also enjoy talking to my Aunt Marilyn on the phone, and we have the best conversations. My Aunt Marilyn and I have a very special bond and I feel I have the same bond with my cousin Jimmy.
Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Staff

Tina Neary Executive Director Telephone: (709)722-0790 Email: executivedirector@inclusioncanadanl.ca

Nancy Andrews Coordinator, Students Exploring Through Mentoring Program Cell: (709)486-0213 Email: setmentoring@inclusioncanadanl.ca

Deanne Dawe Labour Market Facilitator Ready Willing and Able Telephone: (709)722-0790 Email: lmf.rwa@inclusioncanadanl.ca

Lainy Dow Community Liaison Coordinator Telephone: (709)722-0790 Email: community@inclusioncanadanl.ca

Bobby Porter Office Assistant
Board 1978 – 2014
Click here for a complete list of Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador’s Executive Board 1978 – 2014 inclusive.