Estate Planning
The Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador in partnership with McInnes Cooper Law Office are now receiving applications for free estate planning initiatives in Newfoundland and Labrador for the benefit of persons with intellectual disabilities. This is possible because of a memorandum of understanding with the law firm McInnes Cooper through their pro-bono program. This program is applicable to individuals and families who can demonstrate significant financial or social barriers. The objective of estate planning is to protect the transfer of assets to persons with intellectual disabilities so that it does not negatively affect eligibility for government income and support services now and in the future.
Who is Eligible?
To be eligible for the wills and estate planning program your family must:
Have a family member with an intellectual disability to whom you would like to leave or transfer assets through your will or estate;
Be a member of the Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador. (Applications are available here or by contacting us at 709-722-0790 or executivedirector@inclusioncanadanl.ca).
Have an annual family income of less than $50,000. Family incomes of more than $50,000 may be considered in some circumstances if your family has expenses that significantly impact your available income.
Live in Newfoundland and Labrador
How to Apply
To apply for the wills and estate planning initiative, you should complete the application form and mail, fax, or email it to:
Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador
P.O. Box 8414
St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7
Fax: 709-722-1325 Email: executivedirector@inclusioncanadanl.ca
Before your acceptance is finalized, you need to submit documentation on income, such as the notice of assessment from the Canada Revenue Service or other financial reporting to Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador. You do not need to send this immediately with the application form.
When your application is processed, you will receive notification from Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador regarding the outcome. If your application is approved, a representative of McInnes Cooper will contact you to arrange an initial meeting or phone consultation.
Why Wills and Estate Planning is Important?
Estate planning is important because leaving money to other people responsible for the care of a person with a disability and who is not protected by a trust can be very risky. There are many things that can impact the intended use of those funds, creating a situation where your child is left unsupported, and you're left with no control.
So that family members can have a plan of support for someone with a disability after they are no longer able to continue caregiving. It provides the person with the disability a solid foundation for the future. Also, it provides the family with the peace of mind that comes from knowing any assets they might transfer will not end up negatively affecting income and disability supports from the government.
For more information on why creating a will is important, view our presentation here.
NFDL Financial Planning Series Part Two - WILLS and TRUSTS
For More Information
If you still have questions or if you would like additional support with completing this application, get in touch with us. You can reach us at:
Inclusion Canada Newfoundland and Labrador
18B Mews Place,
P.O. Box 8414
St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7
Phone: 709-722-0790
Email: executivedirector@inclusioncanadanl.ca
For more information on McInnes Cooper, please visit their website at www.mcinnescooper.com.